
Adakah wujud diskriminasi di sini?

Ada sekeping gambar iringan yang menunjukkan ramai-ramai pendatang tanpa izin ni naik bas dan bas tu punya seat ditutup dengan plastik hitam.

 Maka ramai yang marah kerana discriminatory katanye. Let me digest that, adakah wujud diskriminasi? 

Hmmmm. aku dok fikir lama sbb aritu aku naik bas masa belajo dulu, bas ekspress transit shah alam, dari klang ke jb. aku sorang je yang naik dr shah alam. bila naik seat aku penuh muntah. Amukan la aku kan. Maka dalam hal ini, kadang2 ok untuk tutup tapi macam bersifat sangka buruk juga, seperti kata-kata dalam komen kat FB The Star, ramai yang suggest maybe seat bas tu ditutup sebab tak nak kotor. Kerana pendapat stereotaip orang daripada negara itu tak jaga kebersihan badan.

Mungkin bas itu digunakan untuk pelbagai perkara, macam bawa peserta kursus ke majlis. Tapi kalau peserta kursus yang naik, mesti dia takkan tutup seat-seat itu kan. Hmm, dan aku masih berfikir.


Well, as everyone knows, the most interesting to read in social media is the comment wars. There's a picture which shows the deporters sitting in a bus with the seats covered in black plastic thrash. 

So these people started saying that this is discriminatory. It took me awhile to digest that actually.

Hmmmm. this makes me think about the other time that I took a bus which transited at Shah Alam, I was the only person hopping on from Shah Alam, and there was only a seat available. And that single seat is full of human vomit it stinks a lot. I was very angry and asked for a refund. Oh forgot to mention that it was an express bus. 

Therefore it seemed ok, to cover the seats should the seats be spoiled. Maybe the bus is heavily used so it won't get dirty for special events. But the people in The Star FB page, suggested that it was discriminatory because the bus owners think that the foreigners are dirty and smelly. 

What do you think? Is it normal or not?



