
a gift from ely

On my birthday in 2003, my dip classmate Ely made this for me. I was overwhlemed because it's not like everyday I get a handmade present. And now I want to share it with the world!

A Day In Nadh's Life
Hi! I'm Nadh... It's a beauuuutiful morning!! :)
The secret to a good morning is
"Smile Although You Just Puked!!"
Komen aku : Diaorang ni jahat, ajak aku main laut pagi-pagi buta kat PD tu masa ombak tengah bergelora dan pas2 terus gi makan pagi. Sejurus lepas makan terkeluar balik roti bakar dan fresh oren yang sangat sedap itu ke dalam longkang.

Mid-mornin: Arived in UKM for a very challenging task. (terpotong pulak perkataannya) "the smiling Nadh". See, I'm not the only one on the task. These other contestants are pretty good... dang!!!
Komen aku: ni kat UKM ada festival filem tahap pelajar uni, aku entourage untuk classmate aku yang join pertandingan-pertandingan kat sini. Ely masuk pertandingan dj dan zeehan masuk pertandingan fesyen

By noon, lotsa people have tried out for the task/contest.Weird thing is the gal in the blue didn't even qualify, the grey shirted girl went bonkers, and the orange gal picked 2nd dj contest place.... (second place for dj contest la)... she didn't even register

close up sikit. Muda remajanya masa nieeeeeeeeeeee
Just as the results are being told, everyone went bonkers!! This huge spaceship came swooshin' around (that's it we're pointing at) and gave one of my friends a pack of Nasi Ayam... "What about us?" we cried, but kept smiling, coz we don't want the judges to change the winner's list...

Close up: Kenapa ada yang buat tak heran je?

Of course winning the 1st place means we get to meet last year's winner (the guy in the middle). He's cool, though he thought that it would've been cooler if all of us wear orange that day. Hmmm... I gotta go and get me an orange shirt...

Aku di 2002, cam nampak lebih tua. Aahh, efek pencahayaan aje tu.
It's way in the late noon and the whole gang is still going strong on the contest... Last row people are out of the smilin list (mouths crammed half way), so only the middle and front row is in the league. No surprise to whom won... (definitely me)
I miss those innocent days. Half of my diploma mates.
And what cool way to end the day , Chill Out With Pals!! That's it, maybe next time I'll tell about my night life. Now that's interesting ... well, lemme see. I start my night ...

My nights is spent with, surfing the net, makan2 dnegan bf, shopping dgn kawan and sleeping early if everything else fails


Aida Nurni said...

Masya Allah... Elyana ke tuh? Kurus seh dia...

Azyze said...

nadh, this is sooooo cute, ko buat aku rasa macam nak nangis mengenangkan how innocent we were back themn, cemana benda bodoh macam backstabbing boleh buat aku depressed, cemana our two semesters bersama was like, the best semesters in my diploma years!

aku terharu! (dan aku tak ingat pun aku buat card ni untuk ko!)

my english sucks okay, spelling errors jangan la cakap hahahaha (matila sekarang jadik writer)

and oh aida,
kurus gemuk bukan ukuran siapa aku sebenarnya hahahahahahaha
(jangan obses tentang rupa, pasal aku rasa jiwa aku ni masih banyak yang nak kena cleanse, diet dosa hehahaha)

ouT oF My MinD said...

beb....nanti aku bg adiah kat ko.
dan aku dah usul banyak kali dah. Tapi masih belum ko menentukan hadiah mende ko nak.
Aku nie takde le kretip sgt pun nak buat benda alah2 nie,...kang ke laut plak jadinya...hehhehe..
ko bukannya xtau. tangan aku nie kan tak dibedung lampin time baby....hahahhaha

Naddy said...

kepada ely:

ko memang memori tak pernah nak simpan, wahhahahhaa. sangat tak mengingati.

to aida:
hepi beday hari ni. bulan depan kita tukar-tukar hadiah k.

Azyze said...

weh, mengingati la...
tapi hadiah kan diberi dengan spontan dan ikhlas, maka kita berikan dengan rela pastu ia bukan big deal (jadi macam lupa la).
alah, macam ko gak,
ko tak ingat pun surat kuning yang ko bagi aku tu kan?

one day i'll scan and post it :)


