
Face to face with Sherry

Last Friday after work I went to Sherry's house to send her the frame that I promised. Her house was pretty easy to find since it is near major landmarks and plus I even googled it's location. We went round and round the neighbourhood for about 15 minutes and eventually found her house. After checking out the address I approached the gate.

Luckily someone was home and so I said Hello. A woman came out followed by Sherry and she asked "Why?" I mentioned that I am Mizzy N from the blog and she said "Ohh Mizzyn, I did not recognize you because you covered your eyes in the pictures." Aku kata "The less of me to be identified haha."

Tapi lepas tu aku takde idea nak tanya apa kan jadi aku pas frame itu dan chow.

Satu frame dah sampai kepada penerima dan dua lagi nak kena hantar, satu pos dan satu lagi delivery. Dekat aje dgn rumah azyze lagipun. Oi azyze siap sedia untuk di ambush!


Sherry said...

hehe.. yeah.. x know is you haha.. you so young :D wahaha.. your pic cover here and there.. dont know its you.

Sherry said...

whaha.. kena ambush.. surprise!!

mlm street light x ada hanya ada kat opposite.

Azyze said...

ko nak ambush aku watpe bebeh.. aku ni penyegan orangnya eheheh

kejap, u owe me a frame ke?
for what ek? aku ade menang pape kontes ke?
tu la, kalau ko masuk kontes aku boleh aku bagi hadiah buku kat ko eheheh :)

ouT oF My MinD said...

terjah umah orang sesuka hati...apa ko ingat ko buat realiti show ke....????

ouT oF My MinD said...
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Naddy said...

sherry, hehe

azyze, i don owe u a frame, i owe someone who lives very close to you je. sambil tu saje nak menyinggah. ala kontest ko tu terlalu susah bagiku yang pekak muzik nie.

ida, yeahhhh

Sherry said...

so other got their frame already? hehe.. camera kamu nice :) need save money to buy as photos show not the exact colour


