
New Table

sengihnampakgigi Ngeee...

I went from a rm12.90 lipat table to a rm199 dining table in two years progression.

I bought this table where you can see only one kaki in shah alam. It is actually a camping table but I used it as a computer and dining table. I have a lot of sweet memories with this table such as eating delicious housemate's crabs during fasting month on it.

And a few days ago I bought this in damansara. It is on sale and the price is just right. It sure burned a hole in my bachelor sized wallet but I can now sit upright without hunching down to look at my computer monitor. Me and Ida spent about two hours allen keying and screwing the tables and chairs together. Today, my house smells like the Ikea furniture section, the space where all the flatpacks are stored, near the cashier counters, and I am loving it.

Actually in the past two years Ida have periodically mentioned of buying this table from Cavenzi. It costs the same as my table but only about rm130 during sales (me think la). Unfortunately it is not flat packed and had to be transported as in the picture. Delivery alone will cost about rm100 although the shop is only a walkathon away from my dwelling. It looks cute in black but it is not fated to ever reach the marbles of my home.

ps : Some people say that a bachelor's home is no more than a mattress, clothes hanger and three level book racks that cost rm9.90 when on sale. Actually I said that, they only say that bujang's home don't have much in it. Well, that might be true for students but not for working furniture hoarders like me n ida. Even my store room is furnished with two rattan seats and a 18 speed bicycle (one of these days a story about this bike will have to be written). My justification of hoarding furniture is that as an ageing bachelor comfort in life is unavoidable.

Home sweet home.


Eliz said...

aku nak bertandangg,...

ouT oF My MinD said...

penat siot pasang meja tuh. Lg pulak kena buat secara senyap2 takut orng bawah umah ketuk pintu. Pasang meja paling mencabar, rasa nak hempuk2 je.

Naddy said...

huhuhu. skru meja.

Naddy said...
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Azyze said...

nanti bila hang dah kepak-kepak-keboom dengan abang pyan, gheta hang tu hang kira sedekah la kat Ida, ek?
ka, hang dengan susah payahnya akan angkut pi rumah post-bujang hang?

*saja cakap utara to irk you heheh*

Naddy said...

dak aihh. aku angkut sekali la bebeh, ida gi beli meja lain nanti.

Azyze said...


aku berkenan lah meja cavenzi tu... tapi bila kau dah berasetkan lokasi kediaman kang, baru bleh beli. sekarang mau mak aku menjerit, mana nak letak hehehe :)

Naddy said...

tulah cantik tapi mikir kosnya nak angkut jadi mahal la. bukan jenis yg boleh skru sendiri. ikea tak ada plan nak buat design cam tu ke nanti, flatpacked kan, senang jadinya.


