
love and hate

Teringat tajuk lagu Love Me Butch "Love and Hate" yang dipileh oleh azyze utk projek video klip dia suatu masa dulu. Aku dulu pileh lagu minah bunga aje, haha. Lagu aku "Ku Rindu Padanya" by bunga wanita Camelia.

Ok, stret to cerita aku. I love and hate what i'm doing right now. Love and hate, it's perfect yet it's bosan. Tapi kalau orang lain boleh menyesuaikan diri kenapa bukan aku. Redha je la. Allah Maha Mengetahui mana yang best untuk aku. Bak kata mak aku "Kita buat dia".


yoon see said...

Yeah, I can love and hate a thing at a time.
Love blogging & commenting, tapi hate taking too much of my precious time....
Finding the balance!

Naddy said...

yoon see, i haven't found the balance in blogging yet. I am just so into it now.


